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National Gallery Singapore

A tour booking and check-in app for National Gallery Singapore. 

National Gallery Singapore is is a public institution and national museum dedicated to art and culture located in the Civic District of Singapore. They have a wide range of target customers, ranging from local families, kids to tourists. The new app of the gallery aims to streamline the process of guided tours booking and tour check-in process.

My role:

UI  / UX

National Gallery Singapore.png

The problem

  1. Visitors are finding it difficult to book the tours on the website

  2. Visitors need to wait for a long time to check-in their guided tours during peak season 

Current website.png

User pain points


No clear navigation to book a tour on the website.


The booking process is not user friendly. Users have to go through unnecessary steps before booking a tour.


Booking confirmation is sent to users email and there’s no reminder before the tour. More often than not, users are not able to find their ticket.


Long queue at the gallery to check in guided tours during peak seasons or when there’s a large group visiting.

User persona

User persona.png

Problem Statement

Zareen is a busy creatives who needs a faster way to book art tours and check-in the tour quickly so she doesn’t waste her previous weekends time standing in line.

Paper wireframes

I took some time to sketch and ideate the homepage in order display the available tours in a clear layout. 

I also came out with a few ideas to provide a hassle free check-in process for the users. 

Paper wireframes.png

Digital wireframes

As the initial design phase continued, I made sure to base screen designs on feedback and findings from  the user research.

Screenshot 2023-01-07 at 22.43.10.png
Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 14.42.15.png
Screenshot 2023-01-07 at 22.47.28.png

Low-fi prototypes

Screenshot 2023-01-07 at 22.50.10.png

View low-fi prototype here.

Usability study

I conducted two rounds of usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the designs from wireframes to mockups. The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.

Round 1

I created a notification bar on the home page (10mins before the tour) so users can access the check-in page easily.

Round 1 finding (1).png

Round 1

Added in-app translation function for international travellers/users.

Round 1 finding (2).png

Round 2

  • Increase legibility of tour info

  • Added bottom navigation bar so it’s easier for users to find their booked tours

Screenshot 2023-04-05 at 15.06.33.png

High-fi prototypes

The final high-fidelity prototype presented a clearer user flows of booking and checking in an art tour. It is visually appealing while maintaining the brand image of National Gallery Singapore.

High-fi screens.png

View high-fi prototype here.


“This is great! I will keep using the app whenever I go to National Gallery of Singapore. I love that I don’t have to dig into my email inbox again to find my check-in ticket!”

The app make users feels that the whole booking and checking in process is easy and seamless.

Takeaways and next step

I have learned that the design process never stops. While listening to the users’ feedback, I get more ideas in improving the functionality of the app and how to make the whole experience better for the users.

Moving forward, I'll be conducting more research to find out the adoption rate of this new app and areas for improvement.

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